Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I know that it has been quite a long time since I have been up on the site but it has been a little busy!  The showing did not do well and my husband and I are thinking that it was not the right venue for my crafts.  After picking my spirit up off the floor and massaging my bruised ego, I remembered why I started papercrafting in the first place.  I LOVE THE FEEL OF THE TOOLS IN MY HAND AND SEEING WHAT CREATIVE THINGS MY MIND CAN COME UP WITH!!  So it is back to the drawing board.

The latest thing that I made was a baby shower gift for my husband to give to a co-worker.  The card set is in one of my favorite colors, purple.  Much of the things that she had on her registry was purple and so that gave me the base for my items.  I plan to make a matching frame for her little baby once she delivers!


  1. Beautiful my dear friend! Sorry the art & craft show didn't go well. But you do beautiful work!!

  2. Thanks Kelley! Sometimes you have to stop and really listen to what God is saying! Sometimes the silence means not now instead of the "No" that you assume. So I took a break and now I am back!
